Nassau County Board of County Commissioners Announces Employees of the Quarter

In January 2022, County Manager Taco Pope, instituted new Customer Care Standards to govern both internal and external interactions and to create a more positive work environment. Part of this initiative includes an Employee Recognition Program in which employees can nominate co-workers who have demonstrated Nassau County's Customer Care Standards and/or has provided exceptional performance beyond established duties and responsibilities.
We are excited to announce that three members of Nassau County Fire Rescue have been named Employee(s) of the Quarter due to outstanding life-saving actions that they collectively took for an incident they witnessed on State Road 200.
Chief Brady Ridgon reported, "On November 4, 2023, the NCFR Station 30's B Shift were traveling east on State Road 200. When stopped at a red light, Lt. McAlee noticed two young women in the car next them. When the light turned red, the crew noticed the vehicle suddenly driving recklessly. Lt. McAlee directed the driver, Engineer Joe McGee, to catch up to the vehicle which was now moving at a moderate speed. Upon catching up, Lt. McAlee noticed that the driver appeared to be having a medical issue as she was slumped over the steering wheel. He indicated he could also see the fear in the eyes of the young girl in the passenger's seat. He directed Engineer McGee to position the unit in front of the car to prevent it from hitting another vehicle on the road.
Within moments, the vehicle had slowed but jumped the curb and was driving along the sidewalk. Lt. McAlee instructed Engineers Magee and Newman to exit the rescue unit and to chase the vehicle on-foot as it approached another vehicle at the intersection of Mentoria Road and SR 200. They caught up to the vehicle and was successful in getting the passenger to unlock the doors, all while the vehicle was still in motion. The were able to access the vehicle and push the breaks before it hit a car sitting at the intersection.
Engineers McGee and Newman never second guessed the directive to stop the vehicle and performed flawlessly under pressure. This was a particularly unusual incident that is different than any incident we train for, and they went above and beyond to ensure the safety of not only those in the vehicle, but as well to any unsuspecting vehicle or pedestrians that could have been impacted as well.
The driver of the vehicle who was unconscious at the initial time of evaluation, was subsequently treated and transported to a nearby hospital without any further incident. The Team of Station 30 (B Shift) performed admirably, and as they do on a regular basis, had a tremendous impact on the safety of the citizens of Nassau County."
On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners and the citizens of Nassau County, thank you Engineer McGee, Engineer Newman, and Lt. McAlee. Your service and dedication have not gone unnoticed and you are greatly appreciated for all you do.