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Letters of Support for Workforce Housing Initiative

What is Workforce Housing? Workforce Housing targets middle-income workers including professions such as healthcare, hospitality workers, police officers, firefighters and teachers. 

Why is the Nassau County Chamber of Commerce leading the Workforce Housing initiative?

  • The lack of available Workforce Housing is hindering our county's economy. With 47% of Nassau County residents paying 30% or more of their income on housing and 22% paying more than 50%, high housing costs are preventing workers from living near their jobs (over 33% of our workforce commutes to Nassau County for work).
  • Employers are advocating for and investing in housing as a way to support their workforce and the local economy. Housing availability and costs are two of the most important factors in determining our quality of life.
  • A lack of Workforce Housing is impeding employee productivity and leading to economic instability. Workforce Housing options will improve job access and allow employers to attract and retain diverse employees at all levels. 

What has been accomplished by the Nassau County Chamber of Commerce?

  • The Nassau County Chamber of Commerce has created, and currently manages and funds, the Community Land Trust for the sole purpose of obtaining donated land and assisting in the development of Workforce Housing. 
  • Progress has been made on: 
    • The procurement of land donations
    • In-kind donations of services and supplies
    • Private funding grant applications have been submitted and a fundraising campaign is planned
    • State of Florida application request for funding assistance is complete

How can you help today?

  • Download one of the two letters of support (included below) on your company letterhead. Include your signature line, sign and return to or fax to 261-6997 by December 15thSending more than one letter from representatives of your company is strongly encouraged

PLEASE NOTE: The letters below are in PDF format; if you would like Word document versions of the letters of support, please email us at or call (904) 261-3248. 

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